21 Μαρ 2016
0 σχόλια

Στο Εβραϊκό Λόμπι [AIPAC] θα μιλήσει ο Πάνος Καμμένος. [video]

Μαρτίου 21, 2016
Στο Εβραϊκό Λόμπι [AIPAC] στις Η.Π.Α. θα μιλήσει και ο υπουργός Εθνικής Άμυνας Πάνος Καμμένος.
Σε μια κατάμεστη αίθουσα πάνω απο 2.000 προσκεκλημένοι, θα ακούσουν και τον πρόεδρο των ΑΝ.ΕΛ να ομιλεί για διάφορα θέματα.

Μέχρις στιγμής που γράφονται αυτές οι γραμμές, το AIPAC δεν έχει δώσει στην δημοσιότητα το βίντεο με την ομιλία του Έλληνα υπουργού.

Οι ομιλητές που θα μιλήσουν στο AIPAC είναι οι εξής:

Mr. Ali Abu Awwad

Founder, Taghyeer (Change) Palestinian National Nonviolence Movement

Co-Director of Roots/Judr/Shorashim: A Local Israel Israeli-Palestinian Initiative for Understanding, Nonviolence and Transformation

The Honorable Elliott Abrams

Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies

Council on Foreign Relations

Mr. Michael Acquilano

Executive Director

South Carolina Catholic Conference and Catholic Diocese of Charleston, South Carolina

Prof. Dr. Eilon Adar

Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research

Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Professor Jonathan Adelman


Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver

Dr. Iris Adler

IsraAid Medical Team

Mr. Uri Adoni



Mr. Asher Afriat

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Israel Seminar

Mr. Ron Agam


Ms. Lucy Aharish


Reshet and Israeli Channel 2

Ambassador Ido Aharoni

Consul General of the State of Israel in New York

Rabbi Rachel Ain


Sutton Place Synagogue

Ms. Danielle Akta


Mr. Jonathan Allen

AIPAC Campus Activist

Southern Methodist University

Mr. Ghaith al-Omari

Senior Fellow

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Major General (res.) Yaakov Amidror

Former Israeli Head of the National Security Council, Senior Fellow at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar Ilan University

Distinguished Fellow, JINSA's Gemunder Center

Mr. Brad Anderson


Link Strategies

Ms. Lydia Aranda


Blackstar BBC Group

Mr. Dan Arbell

Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Center for Middle East Policy

The Brookings Institution

Mr. Tom Arceneaux

Shareholder and Directory

Blanchard, Walker, O'Quin & Roberts

Ms. Inbal Arieli

Vice President, Strategic Partnerships

Start-Up Nation Central

The Honorable Brad Ashford (D-NE)

Member, House Armed Services Committee

United States House of Representatives

Major General Yaacov Ayish

Israel Defense and Armed Forces Attache to the USA

Embassy of Israel

Mr. Jacob Baime

Executive Director

Israel on Campus Coalition

The Honourable John Baird

Former Canadian Foreign Minister

Mr. Itai Bardov

Counselor for Political Affairs

Embassy of Israel

Mr. John Baird

Senior Advisor

Bennett Jones LLP

Mr. Daniel Barel

Chief Executive Officer


Ms. Avivit Bar-Ilan

Director, Department for Multilateral European Organizations

Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mayor Nir Barkat

Mayor of Jerusalem

Ms. Jill Barkley

Executive Director

Emerge Maine

Mr. Philip Bartlett


Maine Democratic Party

Dr. Tal Becker

Principal Deputy Legal Advisor

Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Amir Becker

Director of Cyber Cooperation

Embassy of Israel

Mr. Eli Beer

Founder and President

United Hatzalah of Israel

Mr. Ariel Beery

Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder


Mr. Paul Begala

Democratic Strategist

Hat Creek Enterprises

Mr. Ashley Bell


2020 Leaders of America

Mr. Lenny Ben-David

Director of Publications

Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

Ms. Donna Bender

AIPAC National Board Member

Mr. Avi Ben-Hur

Lecturer & Scholar

Israel Seminars

Mr. Brian Benjamin

Managing Director

Genesis Companies

Mr. Alex Benjamin


Europe Israel Public Affairs (EIPA)

The Honorable Levente Benkõ

Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Mr. Aluf Benn



Mr. Ilan Berman

Vice President

American Foreign Policy Council

Ms. Rebecca Berman

AIPAC Campus Activist

University of California, Berkeley

Ms. Berrty Bernstein-Zabza

Senior Advisor

U.S. Department of State

Ms. Laura Bialis


Foundation for Documentary Projects

The Honorable Joe Biden

Vice President

United States of America

The Honorable Michael Biton



Mr. Micha Biton

Singer / Songwriter

Rabbi Joe Black

Senior Rabbi

Temple Emanuel, Denver CO

Rabbi Jonathan Blake

Senior Rabbi

Westchester Reform Temple

Mr. Joshua Block

Chief Executive Officer and President

The Israel Project, Inc.

Mr. John Boerstler

Executive Director

NextOp Veterans

Ms. Janice Bonsu

AIPAC Campus Activist

University of Pennsylvania

Mrs. Sivan Borowich Yaari

Chief Executive Officer and Founder

Innovation: Africa

Mr. Justin Borus

Founder and Managing Partner

Lazarus Israel Opportunities Fund LLP

The Honorable Brendan Boyle (D-PA)

Member, House Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa

United States House of Representatives

Mr. Donald R. Bramer

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Bramer Group

Mr. David Brand

President and Chief Executive Officer

Alliance for Global Good

Mr. Joel Braunold

Executive Director

Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP)

Senator Oscar Braynon

State Senator

State of Florida

Mr. Michael Breen

President and Chief Executive Officer

Truman Center & Truman Project

Mr. Shawn Brimley

Executive Vice President

Center for a New American Security

Ms. McClain Bryant

Director of Policy

Office of Mayor Sly James, Kansas City, Missouri

Pastor Tim Buchanan

Senior Pastor

Generations Bible Church

Amb. William Burns


Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Professor Daniel Byman

Senior Fellow

The Brookings Institution

Dr. Soner Cagaptay

Beyer Family Fellow; Director Turkish Research Program

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Pastor Tim Carscadden

Senior Pastor

Christian Center of Shreveport

Mr. Joseph Cassidy

Former U.S. State Department Official

Mr. Omri Ceren

Managing Director of Press & Strategy

The Israel Project

Ms. Larisa Cespedes

Government Relations

Lang, Hansen, O'Malley & Miller

The Honorable Tony Clement

Member of Parliament

Conservative Party of Canada

The Honorable Hillary Clinton

Former Secretary of State and Democratic Presidential Candidate

Mr. Julian Coakley

AIPAC Campus Activist

Florida A&M University

Mr. Ben Cohen

Director of Coalitions

The Israel Project

Reverend Dr. DeeDee Coleman

Russell Street Baptist Church

Atty. Brian Colón

Of Counsel

Robles, Rael & Anaya, PC

The Honorable Barbara Comstock (R-VA)


United States House of Representatives

Mr. Mike Connolly

Director, Office of Military and Veteran Services

University of Nebraska at Omaha

Ms. Jenna Conwisar

AIPAC Campus Activist

University of Texas

Dr. Svante Cornell


Central Asia-Caucasus Institute

The Honorable Irwin Cotler


Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights

Ms. Chantalle Couba


Athena Enterprises

Mr. Jerry Cox


Family Council

Dr. Tony Crisp

Lead Pastor

Eastanallee Baptist Church

Mr. Roger Cukierman

Conseil Représentatif des Institutions Juives de France (CRIF)

The Honorable Carlos Curbelo (R-FL)


United States House of Representatives

Mr. Clifton Truman Daniel

Honorary Chairman

Harry S. Truman Library Institute

Mr. Mohammad Darawshe

Givat Haviva Center for Shared Society

Ms. Tamar David

AIPAC Campus Activist

SAR Academy

Judge Sergio De Leon

Justice of the Peace, Pct. 5

Tarrant County, Texas

Baroness Ruth Deech

Independent Peer

House of Lords, London, United Kingdom

Mr. George Deek

Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Keith den Hollander


Christian Coalition of Michigan

The Honorable Ted Deutch (D-FL)

Ranking Member, House Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa

United States House of Representatives

Mr. Robbie Diamond

Chief Executive Officer and President

Securing America's Energy Future (SAFE)

The Honorable Mario Diaz-Balart

Member, State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee

United States House of Representatives

MK Avi Dichter

Member of Knesset

Likud Party

Mr. Christopher Diebel

Managing Director ofor Public Affairs

LPCA Public Strategy

Mr. Nati Dinnar

Creator and Producer

“Sabena Hijacking - My Version”

Mr. Kevin Doan

AIPAC Campus Activist

University of Florida

The Honorable Dan Donovan (R-NY)

Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee

United States House of Representatives

Dr. Mike Doran

Senior Fellow

Hudson Institute

Mr. Karl Douglass


Elite Venture Holdings

Mr. Mark Dubowitz

Executive Director

Foundation for Defense of Democracies

Mr. Charles Dunne


Middle East Institute

Hon. John Duran

City Councilmember and Mayor

City of West Hollywood, CA

Pastor Chris Edmonds

Senior Pastor

Piney Grove Baptist Church

Hon. Amanda K. Edwards

Council Member

City of Houston

Rabbi Denise Eger

President of the Central Conference of American Rabbis

Founding Rabbi, Congregation Kol Ami, West Hollywood, CA

Col. (res.) Miri Eisin

Independent Scholar

IDC Herzliya

Ms. Sarah Elbaz

Director of Sulamot - Music for Social Change

Ms. Leslie Ellison

Orleans Parish School Board Member, District 4

Gideon Christian Fellowship International

Mr. Steven Emerson


The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Honorable Eliot Engel (D-NY)

Ranking Member, House Committee on Foreign Affairs

United States House of Representatives

Mr. Jeffrey England

Deputy Regional Director, Middle East and North Africa

National Democratic Institute

Mr. Claudio Epelman

Executive Director

Congreso Judio Latinoamericano

Mr. Matt Epstein

AIPAC Campus Activist

University of Florida

Dr. Andrew Exum

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East Policy

The Department of Defense

Ms. Sara Fagen


DDC Public Affairs

Mr. Eric Fehrnstrom


Shawmut Group

Prof. Shai Feldman

Judith and Sidney Swartz Director, Crown Center for Middle East Studies

Brandeis University

Ms. Carrie Filipetti

Director, Portfolio Management

The Paul E. Singer Foundation

The Honorable Eric Fingerhut

President and Chief Executive Officer

Hillel International

Coach Nate Fish

National Director

Israel Association of Baseball

Mr. Ofir Fisher

Executive Vice President & CO-Founder

OR Movement

Mr. Roni Flamer

Co-Founder and Chief Executive officer

OR Movement

Mr. Hector M. Flores

Past National President

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)

The Reverend Kenneth J. Flowers

Senior Pastor

Greater New Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Church

Shimon Koffler Fogel

President and Chief Executive Officer

Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs

The Right Honourable Dr. Liam Fox, MP

Former UK Secretary of State for Defence

UK Parliament

Mr. Daniel Frankenstein

Managing Partner

JANVEST Capital Partners

Mr. Matt Frederick

Vice President

Honor Capital

Prof. Chuck Freilich

Senior Fellow, John F. Kennedy School of Government

Harvard University

Mr. Brian Friedman


Israel Investment Advisors, LLC

Mr. Matti Friedman

Journalist and author

Ms. Jennifer Frizzell

Vice President

Planned Parenthood New Hampshire Action Fund

Mr. Gil Galanos

Chief Executive Officer

Israel & Co.

Major General (ret.) Yoav Gallant

Minister of Construction and Housing

Government of Israel

Brig. Gen. (res.) Eival Gilady


Western Galilee College

Mr. Amos Gilead

Director of the Political Military and Policy Bureau

Israeli Ministry of Defense

Assistant Secretary Daniel Glaser

Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing

U.S. Department of Treasury

Mr. Navonel Glick

Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer


Ms. Katie Glueck

National Political Reporter


Mr. Elon Gold

Comedian / Actor

Dr. Dore Gold

Director General

Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Zack Gold

Non-Resident Fellow, Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East

The Atlantic Council

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg


Boca Raton Synagogue

Mr. Uri Goldflam

Tour Guide, Israel Seminar

Former Director of External Relations and Development, Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel

Mr. Nathan Gonzales

Editor & Publisher

The Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report

Rabbi Evan Goodman

Executive Director

Santa Barbara Hillel

The Honorable Gwen Graham (D-FL)

Member, House Armed Services Committee

United States House of Representatives

The Honorable Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

Chairman, Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs

United States Senate

The Honorable Kay Granger (R-TX)

Chairwoman, State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee

United States House of Representatives

Mr. Bennett Greenspan

President and Chief Executive Officer

Family Tree DNA

Mr. Lawrence Haas

Senior Fellow

American Foreign Policy Council

Ms. Elise Hagenstad

AIPAC Campus Activist

Atlantic Community High School

Mr. Aryeh Halivni

Founder and Executive Director

Toldot Yisrael

Mr. John Hannah

Senior Counselor

Foundation for Defense of Democracies

Mr. R. David Harden

Mission Director

U.S. Agency for International Development Mission to the West Bank and Gaza

Mr. Amos Harel

Senior Defense Correspondent


Bishop Edwin Harper


Apostolic Life Cathedral

Ms. Simone Dinah Hartmann


European Jewish Congress

Rabbi Doctor Donniel Hartman


Shalom Hartman Institute

Ambassador Gil Haskel

Head of MASHAV – Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation

Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Jenn Hassin


Jenn Hassin Studios

The Honorable Alcee Hastings (D-FL)


United States House of Representatives

Ms. Ann Marie Hauser

Deputy Staff Director

Senate Republican Conference, Sen, John Thune (R-SD)

General Michael Hayden

Former Director

Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency

Reverend Malcolm Hedding

International Spokesperson

International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

Mr. Olli Heinonen

Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

Harvard Kennedy School of Government

Mr. Max Heller

Chairman of the Board, TAMID Group

Associate, Park Hill Group

Mr. Mark Hendrick

Associate Director for Public Policy

South Carolina Baptist Convention

Mr. Daniel Hernandez, Jr.


Sunnyside Unified School District

Brig. Gen (res.) Michael Herzog

Milton Fine International Fellow

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

The Honorable Isaac Herzog

Chairman, Zionist Union and Leader of the Opposition

Israeli Knesset

Ms. Andrea Hiller

AIPAC Campus Activist

University of Texas

Mr. Amos Hochstein

Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs

U.S. Department of State

The Honorable Joe Hockey

Australian Ambassador to the United States

Pastor Dale Hoffpauir


Nouvelle Church of the Nazarene

Mr. David Horovitz

Founding Editor

The Times of Israel

Mr. Gil Hovav

Leading Israeli Culinary Journalist

The Honorable Steny Hoyer (D-MD)

Democratic Whip

United States House of Representatives

Mr. Larry Huynh



The Honorable Steve Israel (D-NY)

Member, House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee

United States House of Representatives

Mr. Avi Issacharoff

Middle East Analyst

The Times of Israel / Walla

Ambassador Jeremy Issacharoff

Vice Director General

Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Jules Jacobs

AIPAC Campus Activist

B'nai B'rith Youth Organization

Dr. Jerry A. Johnson

President and Chief Executive Officer

National Religious Broadcasters

Mr. Ariel Kahana

Diplomatic Correspondent

Makor Rishon

The Honorable Panos Kammenos

Minister of National Defence

The Hellenic Republic - Greece

Prof. Eugene Kandel

Chief Executive Officer

Start-Up Nation Central

Professor Yoram Kapulnik


Israeli Agricultural Research Organization

Mr. Joseph Karuga

Immediate Former National Chairman

Kenya Primary Schools Headteachers Association

Mr. Raheem Kassam


Breitbart London

Mr. Alan Keck


Somerset Recycling

Ms. Shelley Kedar

Jewish Agency Senior Shlichah to Hillel International

Vice President for Israel Education and Engagement, Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life

Mr. Oren Kessler

Deputy Director of Research

Foundation for Defense of Democracies

Professor Orde F. Kittrie

Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies

Professor of Law at Arizona State University

Mr. Yossi Klein Halevi

Senior Fellow

Shalom Hartman Institute

Mr. Pablo Kleinman


El Medio

Ms. Amy Kramer

AIPAC Campus Activist

Duke University

Mr. Josh Kram

Senior Director, Middle East Affairs; Executive Director, U.S.-Israel Business Initiative

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Mr. Michael Krasna

AIPAC Campus Activist

University of Maryland

Ms. Galit Krifcher

AIPAC Campus Activist

University of Pennsylvania

Mr. Bill Kristol


The Weekly Standard

Ms. Sophie Kruger

AIPAC Campus Activist

University of Pennsylvania

Mr. Peter Kurz


Israel Association of Baseball

Dr. Emily Landau

Senior Research Fellow

Institute for National Security Studies (INSS)

Mr. Bill Lane

Former Caterpillar Executive

President Emeritus of the United States Global Leadership Coalition

Mr. David Lang


Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire

Ms. Anne Lanski

Executive Director

The iCenter

Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett


Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice

Mr. Shane Larson

Legislative Director

Communications Workers of America

Mrs. Hélène Laverdière

Member of Parliament and NDP Critic for Foreign Affairs

New Democratic Party of Canada

Mrs. Jerrie LeDoux

Grassroots Activist and State Coordinator

TeenPact Leadership School

Ambassador Aharon Leshno-Yaar

Deputy Director General for U.N. and International Organizations

Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Mark B. Levin

Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


Ms. Sydney Levin-Epstein

AIPAC Campus Activist

The George Washington University

Dr. Matthew Levitt

Fromer-Wexler Fellow & Director of Stein Program on Counterterrorism

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Mr. Michael Levitt

Member of Parliament, York Centre

House of Commons, Parliament of Canada

Dr. David Levitz

Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer


Mr. Davis Lewin

Deputy Director

Henry Jackson Society

Ms. Ann Lewis

Former White House Director of Communications for President Bill Clinton

The Honorable Ted Lieu (D-CA)


United States House of Representatives

Sen. Marko Liias

State Senator

Washington State Senate

Dr. Christina Lin


Center for Transatlantic Relations, SAIS-Johns Hopkins University

Ms. Valerie Lincy

Executive Director

Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control

Rabbi David Litwack

Executive Director

Save a Child's Heart Foundation

Ms. Erica Lockett

AIPAC Campus Activist

Tennessee State University

The Honorable Nita Lowey

Ranking Member, State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee

United States House of Representatives

Dr. Frank Luntz

Chief Executive Officer and Founder

Luntz Global Partners

Mrs. Sue Lynch

Past President

National Federation of Republican Women

0 σχόλια:

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Τα σχόλια δημοσιεύονται.. άμεσα από τους αναγνώστες,
και συνεισφέρουν στον μεταξύ τους διάλογο.

Η ελευθερία της γραπτής έκφρασης... είναι δικαίωμα όλων των πολιτών.
